Deane & McLoughlin


Head over heels in love

Friday, June 11, 2010

These are the things we are lusting after this week...

1) SATC2 interiors
Shameful as it is I have not yet seen the movie, however I have seen these pictures and it makes me even more desperate to make time to go
I die for the Paul Smith cushions on the grey sofa chair

2.  All the stripes backstage before Oscar de la Renta's cruise collection.
I'm kind of obsessed with stripes and Oscar does it oh so well...and then on the runway they were teamed with super cute straw brimmed hats gondolier style

3. And my new favourite daily email from Cherry Picked, bringing me all the latest stylish things to do in and around Sydney

Beautiful illustrations by Kelly Smith can be bought online at her etsy shop and I'm dying for this one below and the one of the hands with the puppet strings

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