Deane & McLoughlin


Super Strawberries

Sunday, August 23, 2009

One of my favourite multi-tasking super foods is the humble strawberry.

1. They taste delicious on their own or with pancakes, muesli and yoghurt, other fruit in a salad, on cakes, dipped in chocolate, in a smoothie... the list goes on!
2. They're relatively low cal so great as a snack if you're on a diet (1 cup = roughly 45 cal/188kJ)
3. They satisfy even the worst afternoon sugar cravings
4. Eating strawberries whitens your teeth! (when combined with about 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda it creates malic acid which, when rubbed on teeth or used in place of toothpaste will remove very tough stains from teeth. Warning - you should only do this every now and again as too much may damage tooth enamel)
5. They are ridiculously easy to grow whether on a farm or a windowsil (strawberries make excellent pot plants).
6. They're packed full of antioxidants and phytonutrients to keep you healthy, including vitamin c, b-vitamins, flavanoids and calcium.
7. Research has shown that among other things, strawberries help to prevent cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
8. THEY HELP TO PREVENT WRINKLES. Seriously - strawberries contain ellagic acid which has been shown to prevent ultra violet skin damage.
9. Studies have shown that eating strawberries may help to keep your brain from aging!!

I'd like to see broccoli do all that...

Caity xx


Unknown said...

how good are strawberries atm?!
but seriously.. broccoli is very very good!

Caity said...

Yes of course, I love broccoli too, but I can't imagine that a broccoli smoothie would taste that great, or on a pavlova for that matter...