What is more important, talent or drive?
Both. I think both talent and drive are of equal importance. There are so many wonderfully talented people in this world, but it is their drive that brings their talent to life.
On a scale of one to ten, how significant a role does luck play when it comes to success?
One. Timing, rather than luck, is the essential ingredient to success.
Which is more critical, the idea or the execution?
Both. An idea is only as good as its execution! You can have the best ideas but unless it is well executed and connects with your customer it will never become a successful reality.
Is it better to be passionate or objective?
Passionate. Passion is incredibly important in order to sustain the long-term in business.
What one trait has helped you most in business?
I have always run my business with the mantra that whatever you do, do it with integrity. This guiding principle has helped me with decision making throughout my 16 years in business.
What is the one trait that has hindered you most in business?
Balancing my creative passion with the commercial reality of running a business. There have been opportunities to create a stronger commercial business through wider distribution, however I have always chosen to stay true to my desire to maintain Bloom as a niche brand.
What is the hardest lesson you've learned and how did you learn it?
In the early years of Bloom I had to do everything; from the financial side of the business to product development, package design, processing and packing of orders and marketing, I did it all! As the business grew and I was able to employ others to help out, I had to learn the art of delegation. Now with such a busy lifestyle balancing work and family, I rely on this skill on a daily basis!
What is the one piece of advice you would offer other women in business?
Firstly, you have to love what you do. If you're not passionate, you can't sustain the business and keep going through the hard times.
What are the biggest mistakes you see women making in business?
Be realistic, you can have it all, just not at the same time! I have learnt to embrace the extraordinary balancing act of being both a mother and business woman. The key to achieving this balance is to have realistic expectations.
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